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Terms of Service

Article 1 (Application)

The purpose of these Terms is to define the rights and obligations between the Company and you regarding the use of the Service, and they apply to all relationships between the Company and you regarding the use of the Service.

Rules and regulations regarding the Service that the Company posts from time to time on the website of the Service constitute a part of these Terms. In the event that the contents of these Terms differ from the explanation of the Service outside of these Terms, the provisions of these Terms shall take precedence. Articles 548-2 to 548-4 of the revised Civil Code, which came into effect on April 1, 2020, shall not apply to these Terms.

Article 2 (Definitions)

The following terms used in these Terms and Conditions shall have the following meanings:

  • "Customer" refers to a person who browses and uses the Service and purchases Products, etc.
  • "Member" refers to a person who agrees to these terms and conditions and registers as a member in accordance with the method specified by our company.
  • "Sales Contract" means a contract concluded between our company and a customer or member (hereinafter referred to as "Member, etc.") based on these Terms and Conditions for the regular purchase of products or other purchases of products in this service.

Article 3 (Membership Registration)

Anyone who wishes to register as a member (hereinafter referred to as the "Registration Applicant") must provide the registration details and complete the registration application procedure in the manner specified by our company.
When an application is made as described in the preceding paragraph, we will determine whether or not to approve the membership registration in accordance with our standards.
Our company may refuse a member registration if it determines that any of the following items apply to an applicant for registration. Our company may cancel a member's registration after first approving the registration if it determines that any of the following items apply to the member. The applicant or member may not raise any objections to this. Furthermore, our company is under no obligation to disclose the reasons for refusing or canceling a member's registration.

  • If there is a risk that the applicant or member will not be able to fulfill the obligations under these terms and conditions
  • If the applicant or member has engaged in or is likely to engage in any of the acts listed in Article 8
  • If a person wishing to register or a member declares false facts to the Company when applying for membership registration
  • Any other reason in which the applicant or member is deemed inappropriate for membership registration

The email address, ID, and password used by Members to use the Service may only be used by the Members themselves, and may not be transferred, lent, or disclosed to others. Furthermore, Members shall bear all responsibility for the management of email addresses, IDs, and passwords, and any expression of intent made to the Company using the Members' email address, ID, or password shall be deemed to be a valid expression of intent by the Members themselves, and all payments, etc. resulting therefrom shall be the responsibility of the Members. Furthermore, if a Member finds that his/her email address, ID, or password is being used by a third party, he/she shall immediately contact the Company.

Article 4 (Notification items)

Members, etc. must notify us in advance of any particulars concerning Members, etc. designated by us, in a manner separately specified by us, and if any changes occur to any of those particulars, they must notify us without delay.
The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by a Member as a result of the Member's failure to make the notification under the preceding paragraph.

Article 5 (Notification)

Notifications from the Company to Members regarding the Service will be sent by email to the email address entered by the Member when purchasing a product, posted on the website for the Service, or by any other method the Company deems appropriate.
When the Company gives a notice etc. as described in the preceding paragraph, the notice etc. from the Company shall be deemed to have been received when the Company sends an email to the email address described in the preceding paragraph and the Member etc. is able to view said email, or 24 hours after the Company sends the email, whichever is earlier, and the Member etc. agrees to this in advance.

Article 6 (Use of the Service by Minors and Young People)

If a Member is a minor, he/she may not use the Service unless he/she has the consent of his/her parent or guardian.
Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if a Member uses the Service without the consent of his/her parent or guardian, the Company may, as soon as it becomes aware of such fact, take any or all of the measures set out in the following items without prior notice to the Member.

Article 7 (Contracts, etc.)

Members, etc. may apply to enter into a sales contract in accordance with the procedures stipulated by our company. After a Member, etc. makes an application as described in the preceding paragraph, a sales contract for the relevant product will be established between our company and the Member, etc. at the earlier of the following points:

  • When we send you a message approving your application
  • When the product is shipped

The Company may decline to accept the application under paragraph 1, or may revoke such acceptance after sending a communication of acceptance. In such cases, the Members, etc. may not demand performance of the purchase contract on the grounds that the purchase contract has been established.
In addition to the provisions of the preceding three paragraphs and the following Article, payment methods, payment terms, shipping fees, cancellation and return conditions, etc. shall be as set forth in the Specified Commercial Transactions Display or Refund Policy.

Article 8 (Prohibitions)

Members, etc. shall not engage in any of the following acts when using this service.

  • Violating laws, regulations or public order and morals
  • Impersonating a third party or intentionally sending false information
  • Offering to buy products without the intention of purchasing them
  • Refusing to receive or pay for a product without a valid reason, or returning the product
  • Violating the rights of or causing inconvenience to our company, our group companies, shops, other customers, or other third parties.
  • Unauthorized access or encouraging such access
  • Inducing malfunction of the Service
  • Using, creating, or distributing external tools that cause the Service to perform actions that exploit bugs not normally intended, or that have normally unintended effects
  • Placing an excessive burden on the servers, computers, etc. of our company, our company, or third parties such as other members
  • Transmitting or disseminating harmful programs such as computer viruses to our company or third parties such as other members
  • Interfering with the operation of this service
  • Using the Service for any illegal purpose
  • Any act that violates these Terms of Use or goes against the purpose and intent of the Service.
  • In addition to the above, engaging in any other acts that the Company deems inappropriate

If the Company determines that a Member has violated the provisions of the preceding paragraph or fails to fulfill its obligations to the Company, the Company may take the measures set forth in the following items without prior notice to the Member.

  • Making the Service unavailable by terminating the sales contract with Members, etc., or canceling their membership registration, etc.
  • Suspension of fulfillment of transactions such as shipment of goods
  • Cancel any benefits or other benefits already offered to members through campaigns, and request the return of any benefits that members have unjustly obtained.

Any damages incurred by a Member as a result of the measures set out in the preceding paragraph being taken shall be borne by the Member.
If the Company incurs any loss or damage as a result of a Member's violation of Paragraph 1, the Member shall compensate the Company for all damages incurred (including lost profits and other special damages).

Article 9 (Exclusion of Antisocial Forces)

Members, etc. represent and warrant that they (in the case of a corporation, this includes officers, persons with substantial management power, employees in important positions, or advisors of a similar nature) are not organized crime groups, members of organized crime groups, companies or organizations related to organized crime groups, corporate racketeers, or other anti-social forces (collectively referred to as "anti-social forces"), and have no ties to such anti-social forces.
Members, etc. represent and warrant that in connection with the use of the Service and the performance of the purchase and sale agreement, they will not, either themselves or through a third party, engage in any of the following acts:

  • Violent demands
  • Unreasonable demands that go beyond legal responsibility
  • Fraudulent or threatening behavior, or acts of violence
  • Disseminating false rumours, using fraudulent means or using force to damage the other party's credibility or interfere with the other party's business

If a Member or Other Person violates the representations and warranties in the preceding two paragraphs, the Company may immediately take the measures in the preceding Article 2 paragraph 2 without any notice.
In the event of termination under the preceding paragraph, even if a member suffers damage, the Company shall not be obligated to pay any damages, compensation or any other amount to the member.

Article 10 (Intellectual Property Rights)

All intellectual property rights, including copyrights, and other rights related to the tangible and intangible components of the Service (including software programs, icons, images, related text documents, etc.) belong to the Company or to third parties who have granted licenses to the Company. In addition, the license to use the Service based on these Terms does not imply a license to use the intellectual property rights of the Company or third parties who have granted licenses to the Company related to the Company's website or the Service.

Article 11 (Handling of Personal Information)

We will handle personal information acquired by Members and others when they use the Service appropriately in accordance with the privacy policy set out below.

Article 12 (Prohibition of Transfer)

Members, etc. may not transfer or lend their rights and obligations relating to the use of this service to a third party.

Article 13 (Disclaimer of Warranty)

The Company makes no guarantees whatsoever with respect to the items set out in the following items when Members use the Service.

  • That the use of this service will not cause any problems or disruptions to the Members’ environment.
  • The Service is suitable for the specific purposes of the Members, etc., and is accurate and useful.
  • Comply with the laws and regulations applicable to members and the internal rules of industry associations

Article 14 (Suspension and Termination)

The Company may suspend or terminate provision of the Service or its ancillary services to specific Members, etc. or all Members, etc. at any time without prior notice to Members, etc. The Company shall not be liable for any damages or disadvantages incurred by Members, etc. as a result of such suspension or termination.

Article 15 (Governing Law and Court of Jurisdiction)

These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan, and in the event of any litigation arising from these Terms, the Nagoya Summary Court or the Nagoya District Court shall be the exclusive court of first instance.

Article 16 (Revision of these Terms)

The Company may revise these Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice to Members, etc., and the revised Terms and Conditions will take effect when the Company posts the revised Terms and Conditions on the Company's designated website (or on the date on which the Company separately sets an effective date for the revised Terms and Conditions).
If a Member uses the Service after these Terms have been revised pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the Member will be deemed to have agreed to the revised Terms.